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Default What's the big deal about buffalo burgers?

wylbur37 cross-posted, though I'm only replying he

> Here in New York City, many restaurants offer "buffalo burgers" on
> their menu (in addition to the usual "beef burgers"). They also cost
> about 25% more than regular beef burgers.
> What's the big deal about buffalo burgers? Are they supposedly
> "better" than beef burgers? Do they supposedly taste better? (I tried
> one, and I couldn't tell the difference).
> So why would anyone want to spend one and a quarter times more for a
> buffalo burger?

1. Buffalo meat costs more than beef because there's less of it around.
Simple supply and demand economics. Food economics is sometimes a bit odd:
Are you familiar with the story of Kopi Luwak, the most expensive coffee in
the world? It's so expensive because (a) it's rare, and (b) gathering the
beans is a filthy job. But that doesn't mean that it's the BEST coffee in
the world. It's all a matter of personal taste. Some people like buffalo
better. Some are just paying for the novelty.

2. Buffalo meat is lower in fat than hamburger, especially mass-produced
hamburger. So if they taste the same but one won't cause your arteries to
clog, isn't that worth a bit more?

3. This is pure speculation on my part, but it MIGHT be that buffalo are fed
with grass rather than the standard cattle feed, thus making them less
likely to have mad cow disease. Or maybe they're not injected with hormones
like many beef cattle; a lot of people are uneasy about the long-term
effects of ingesting hormone-treated beef. (Or it might be that neither of
those is true, but people BELIEVE that they're true, and they buy buffalo
rather than beef for that reason.)
