Meatloaf seasoning, non-tomato & OATMEAL
In article >, "cybercat" >
> "Goomba38" > wrote in message
> . ..
> > cybercat wrote:
> >
> > >> What's nasty about adding potatoes?
> > >>
> > >
> > > It's the grinding that is nasty, IMO.
> > >
> > What about any other dish with grated potatoes? Hash browns? Do you feel
> > this way just about potatoes or anything unusual to you?
> Since when is grating the same as running something through a "meat
> grinder?"
> What is nasty to me about Sheldon's meatloaf recipe is that EVERYTHING
> in it is fun through a meat grinder.
> Why would the fact that I find this disgusting suggest that it is "unusual
> to" me,
> or that I think anything "unusual to" me (whatever that means, lol) is
> nasty?
> Consistency if part of what we experience in food. I find the idea of a
> meatloaf
> made completely of ground ingredients nasty.
> Anything else, "Goomba?"
Well, part of the issue is that Sheldon does not buy pre-ground meat, so
he's going to be running the grinder anyway.
So, if you are going to grind your own meat, it _would_ be convenient to
run all the other ingredients thru the grinder for easy mixing...
Personally, I'd not put spuds into meatloaf. ;-) But that's just me......
If he likes it then hey, to each his own!
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch"
-- Jack Nicholson