Too much trouble
-L. wrote:
> Don't kid yourself. There are tons of unemployed people with MS
> degrees and PhD's who are taking service jobs that pay well in order to
> make a living for their families because they are unable to secure work
> elsewhere. The large corporation I used to work for has had a hiring
> freeze for the last 8 years. Here, grocery jobs are union and start
> around $16/hr. which is a decent wage. While he may not be making an
> "upper class" salary now, he very well may have in the past. Or, his
> spouse/partner may be the primary bread winner.
Is that a regular grocery store?
I work in a grocery store, and the starting wage is minimum wage
($7.63). I have worked there 17 years, and I make $13 an hour. The max
for non-management is $17 something.
Your minimum wage is slightly less at $7.50. I would think the pay
rates would be similar.