The Evil Cantaloupe
"-L." > wrote in message
> JoeSpareBedroom wrote:
> >
> > It's amazing, the things we can't see, but which will make us miserable.
> > This is appetizing: I got the underwear form of crabs last spring. I was
> > like "WTF? I haven't been near another human being in several months."
> > doctor said the best way to avoid it was to stop handling money or
> > hands.
> More likely you got it from a toilet seat or from trying on clothing.
> >
> > Back to the canteloupe: They grow on the ground, and are probably
exposed to
> > juice from damaged melons during shipping or storage. Perfect for
> > germs.
> They are also sprayed with insecticides and fungicides. Plus are
> covered in bird and rodent poop, and any other critter who munches on
> melons.
> -L.
There was a news expose a few years ago about fruit from Mexico, seems they
use human waste as fertilizer in certain areas of that country. Can we say
e-coli boys and girls?