Terrazzo Countertop?
On Tue, 06 Jun 2006 20:02:32 -0400, Don Wiss >
>They are used for flooring. I wouldn't use them for a counter. And even for
>flooring you have to be sure they are sealed. Any oil on them and it soaks
>it and leaves a permanent stain. While water will evaporate out, dark
>things like red wine and grape juice would leave permanent stains. The
>problem on counters would be the seams. If any staining liquid got into the
>grout it would be absorbed sideways into the granite even if sealed on the
Isn't that why you always seal the grout? And wouldn't you have the
same problem with spills on the floor?
I just visited my bro-in-law's new 1.8 million dollar house in
Kirkland, WA, this past weekend. This house, with top-quality
materials throughout, has the same 5/16" thick, 16" square granite
tiles in the kitchen on floor, countertops, and part of the walls.
It also has similar but different color tiles on the floor and walls
of the bathrooms. It looks like this builder doesn't think it's much
of a problem.
-- Larry