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Edward M. Kennedy Edward M. Kennedy is offline
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Posts: 12
Default Report Employers, Landlords, Illegals to ICE

"rich hammett" > wrote

>>> You can't pick and choose what laws you wish to see enforced, or which
>>> violations are worthy of reporting to the authorities. If it's illegal
>>> then it's against the law period. There are laws against poker playing
>>> because gambling is an evil vice which is destroying society so by
>>> reporting these poker playing scum you are doing a public service.
>>> And to those who ask "how do you know that they're playing poker in
>>> their homes" well you just have to be a Good American and peek in their
>>> windows.

>> Now this, my friends, is a well constructed troll. First, we have
>> the bait, and stinky it is! "You can't..." is a time-tested way
>> to get bozos to shout, "Yes! Yes I *can*!" (I am bozo hear me
>> roar!) Then, there is the insult in the "evil vice...destroying
>> society" because on at least two of these groups, we have a lot
>> of gamblers or once gamblers. This is kinda like those double
>> scented ant traps that gets both the sugar and grease loving ants.

>> Last but not least -- and this is often left out by those brutish
>> intellectuals on rsbc -- is the *hint* in "be a Good American and
>> peek in their windows." The hint is important for two reasons.
>> It allows to have actual discussions without having to wonder if
>> the other asshat is simply trolling, while also ensuring that only
>> clueless gits and busy bodies get ensnared in the messy web.

>> My hat is off. Good day, sir,

> And this is morally different, somehow, from seeing somebody
> with slightly darker skin and a cheesy moustache and forcing
> them to produce their papers?

I ain't got no problem with immigrants, illegal or legal.
I have no evidence this is an externality that needs to be
