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Default Jews in the White House

On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 10:05:52 -0500, Topaz >

>"My amazement will never cease when it comes to the tortured
>admissions of the Jewish extremists. Of course, they face a dilemma,
>how do they inform their flock of their power and at the same time
>trivialize it for Gentile consumption? At one point they boast about
>their influence in government, and in the next instance they deny it.
>They condemn commentators such as myself and the authors of the recent
>Harvard paper, professors Walt and Mearsheimer, for pointing out the
>enormous influence of Jewish/Israeli extremists in American politics,
>and in the next breath they boast of of their incredible influence.
>I will offer some excerpts from an article recently appearing in the
>Jerusalem Post, one of the most prestigious daily newspapers in Israel
>and read by considerable numbers of non-Jews. Because of its
>significant Gentile readership, the JP is far more guarded than many
>other Jewish publications and much less cautious than the Hebrew
>language dailies published in Israel and abroad.
>Let's begin a short analysis by noting the Headline: "Top White House
>Posts Go to Jews." Imagine if Professors Walt and Mearsheimer or I
>came out with a statement or press release titled "Top White House
>Posts Go to Jews." Or imagine if any member of Congress had the
>temerity simply to say that, "…White House Policy is now in the hands
>of Jews.." If I say it or you say it, its "anti-Semitism," if Jewish
>newspapers say it somehow it is not. Somehow it is "anti-Semitic for
> to headline it, but not for the Jerusalem Post.
>Notice the first two paragraphs of the article. After saying that
>White House policy is "now in the hands of two Jews," they immediately
>say this fact is not seen as significant by activists in the American
>Jewish community.
>After appointing Joshua Bolten to be the White House chief of staff,
>US President George W. Bush nominated another Jewish staffer, Joel
>Kaplan, to serve as Bolten's deputy, putting him in charge of the
>daily policy planning.
>The fact that White House policy is now in the hands of two Jews is
>not seen as significant by activists in the American Jewish community.
>If the fact that White House policy being "now in the hands of two
>Jews" is not significant then why pray tell is this major article in
>the Jerusalem Post in the first place? And, truly, can it not be
>significant that two Jewish partisans for Israel "now hold White House
>policy in their hands"? Doesn't it make more sense for White House
>policy to be held in the hands of men who are dedicated to the
>interests of the United States and not be affected by their extreme
>partisanship for a foreign country?
>In the course of the article many admissions are made, and frankly the
>Jewish influenced White House sounds more like the functioning of the
>Israeli cabinet rather than the American executive branch. We hear
>about Jewish prayers and symbolism, Jewish ethnocentric celebrations
>such as Purim, which of course is the celebration of the massacre of
>Haman and Gentiles who threaten Jews, and we even hear of a Chabad
>Lubavitch Rabbi, Levi Shemtov, reading the Purim megilla. Here are the
>exact words of the Jerusalem Post:
>One tradition likely to go on is the reading of the Purim megilla led
>by Chabad Rabbi Levi Shemtov, which attracts many of the Jewish
>The Purim Megilla is a lesson for Jews to always stick together and
>fight for Jewish interests against Gentiles and to strike down
>Gentiles who they believe threaten them. Is that what the Jewish
>staffers want to hear? And what exactly is the Chabad?
>The Chabad preaches that "All Jews are the sons of God" and that
>Gentiles are a different species with evil souls of an inferior order.
>It preaches that the purpose of the very existence of Gentiles is to
>"serve Jews." It preaches that Israel must rule the entire world. A
>representative of this Jewish philosophy is now gracing our White
>Do some of you reading this who are new to the world of Jewish
>supremacism think I am making this up?
>Go Chabad Lubavitch websites and start researching. When you find the
>truth, you will be on your way to much greater understanding of the
>modern world."
>David Duke, Phd
>Here is a direct quote from a Chabad Lubavitch Website concerning
>proper Jewish attitudes toward Gentiles. Remember that according to
>the Jerusalem Post a Chabad Rabbi is now doing readings in the White
>A. The Ra'avad
>…We have already mentioned the words of the Ra'avad with regards to an
>animal slaughtered by a Gentile: "for the Gentiles are like
>animals…and one who thinks of them as something [worthwhile] will
>gather the wind in his fist."
>…In Netzach Yisrael chapter 14 (page 83) it is written:
>"…Israel is special and separate from all the Gentiles, for the
>Gentiles are on a materialistic level, whereas Israel is on the 'form'
>level…as Chazal said: 'You are called men and the nations are not
>called men,' as though it were an ordinary thing for them, that the
>comparison between Israel and the Gentiles is similar to the
>comparison between man and animals who cannot speak, and this is
>because man is distinct from animals in that he is not materialistic
>and physical like the rest of the animal world; man is intelligent.
>….Jews, therefore, are the "true humanity," whereas the Gentiles are
>only "on a low level of humanity"; Jews "are true humanity from its
>authentic roots," whereas the other nations are "all on the level of
>Man in his fallen state" - and therefore "are treated as ones
>belonging to completely different genera."
>One who reads the words of the Ramchal will notice how precisely he
>chose them and how accurately they represent the words of Rabbi Shimon
>bar Yochai, "You are called men."
>…G. Rabbi Tzadok HaCohen of Lublin
>…In the book Poked Akarim page 19, column 3, he wrote:
>"Concerning what is explained in Yevamot, 'You are called men,' and
>not the other nations, [the meaning is] that the Gentiles were
>deprived of the title 'men' only where Israel were called 'men,'
>because in comparison to I, who are the primary form of man in the
>Divine Chariot, it is irrelevant to call any of the Gentiles 'men'; at
>most, they are like animals in the form of men. Taken as themselves,
>however, all the children of Noah are considered men…and when the
>Messiah comes…they too will recognize and admit that there are none
>called 'man' except Israel…anyway, in comparison to Israel even now
>…In Sha'ar Klipat Noga, chapter 3, it is written:
>…"Now you will understand what the animalistic soul of man is; it is
>the good and evil inclination in man. The soul of the Gentiles comes
>from the three klipot: wind, cloud, and fire, all of them evil. So is
>the case with impure animals, beasts, and birds. However, the
>animalistic soul of Israel and the animalistic soul of pure animals,
>beasts, and birds all come from [klipat] noga."
>In the continuation there it is written:
>…"Rabbi Elazar said: it supports what we said above, 'that have a
>living soul' - these are the Jews, for they have the high and holy
>living soul. And the verse, 'Animals, creeping things, and beasts of
>the earth, each to its kind,' refers to the Gentiles, for they have no
>living soul, but only the prepuce, as we said above [that they stem
>from powers of the left side which defile them - the Sulam]."

These appointments of the President seem to be a bit out of balance,
i.e., affirmative action.
