Thread: supper tonight
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Mr Libido Incognito Mr Libido Incognito is offline
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Default supper tonight

Bob Terwilliger wrote on 07 Jun 2006 in

> Alan wrote:
> > Tonight it's Southern (kinda) Style convection oven baked chicken
> > (with that breading). I soaked the chicken parts in 2% milk
> > overnight. My cheapo side wouldn't let me buy buttermilk, cause it
> > was only sold in quarts and I only needed a cup of the stuff.
> > Sidedish for the chicken parts is grilled asparagus...I toss the
> > trimmed asparagus in veggie oil and salt. Put them on a hot grill
> > and in about 3-5 minutes they're done...Just grilled long enough to
> > get grill marks and enough to turn to all sides up...
> >
> > Yeah I know; better with the buttermilk. But I don't like to drink
> > it and I have not baking projects planned.

> Funny, when I went shopping this morning I first picked up a cup-sized
> container of buttermilk and then I reconsidered and got a quart: I
> *always* find a use for the stuff: besides chicken, I use it for salad
> dressings, lassi/smoothies, ice cream, potatoes, biscuits, pancakes,
> cold soups, cornbread... the list goes on and on!
> Bob

Well It isn't for sale in 1 cup containers at my local Supermarkrt...nor
is the powdered Buttermilk readily availible...My idea of supper prep
isn't fight rush hour traffic across town to buy stuff then fight rush
hour back agian bfore cooking. So 2% had to do.

Now if it had been a shopping day...and I had pre planned the
woulda been different. But taking a pkg of chicken outa the freezer the
day before and pouring milk in the zippo bag then putting the chicken in
the fridge can't truly be called pre planning a meal.