Typical packed lunch
Hark! I heard (j*ni p.) say:
> Hark! I heard Erika > say:
> > If you had a nine year old kid who was gyoing on a school outing.
> > What would you pack for it for lunch?
> The same sort of thing that I pack for my Small Child -- peanut butter
> or bologna sandwich, a tube of yogurt, crackers, applesauce, water. I
> don't give him much fruit juice, it's too much sugar for too little
> Vitamin C...
Oh yeah, I forgot one my favorite things to put in his (and his dad's)
lunches -- a happy egg. It's just a hard-cooked egg with a smiley face
drawn on it, but they get a big kick out of it.... :-)
j*ni p. ~ mom, gamer, novice cook ~
...fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, yum!