Onion rings...
Thanks for all the responses guys! :-)
I think I'll try cold beer batter first since I actually have those
ingredients on hand, and won't have to go shopping. <G>
I'll report back after I've given it a shot. I'll make the batter ahead
of time and chill it in the 'frige rather than adding ice cubes, and
make sure the onions are cold as well.....
I'll have to keep the batches small since the fryer is only the 4 cup
size, and I'll start with clean oil. It seems to stay hotter than
previously used oil, and I just fried 4 large squid in there so the oil
is now "fishy".
Time to dump it out.......
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch"
-- Jack Nicholson