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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default PING: Christine Dabney

On Thu, 08 Jun 2006 12:00:54 +0200, Chatty Cathy
> wrote:

>Pulled those pix for that other cook-in. Just need to "enhance" them a
>bit - thanks very much. One question, though - was it hosted by
>Katherine B.? It looks that way from your pix - but I forgot to ask you
>that. Sorry. Must be getting old. If you find anything else you want to
>add to it you can get me at the webmaster addy on the RFC site.

Yes, it was hosted by Katherine and David Barto.

I will have a ton more pictures after this weekend, for the upcoming
cook-in. At least I will until my battery dies...LOL.

>Looks like your map is a big hit all over again - thanks.
>Oh, yes. Please do me a favor and take my old "cathyxyz" market off the
>map - I wanna change it to my new nick. Also, there is one near my
>marker that just says "Huh?" and mentions something about a "bra"
><giggle>. That wasn't me - and I think it was just a joke. Can you
>delete that one too? I like being the only RFC'er on the continent - its
>good for my ego <eg>. TIA.

Okay will do.

I see there are a lot of duplicates on the map. If people can tell me
which ones are duplicates, and need to be removed, I will do so. The
thing is, I get a big list of all the markers, and what you all said
on them...and I have no idea looking at this list, what is on the
map. So, if you tell me what the name is, what the marker says, I
will delete it. And tell me which one to leave up there.

I need to let folks know that I upgraded the map. One thing that now
seems possible is for people to upload thumbnail pics of themselves to
put on the site. I am not sure how to do it right now, and I won't
have time to invesigate it for a bit. Although if I get stuff done
here, I might be able to look at it a bit, plus take care of the

I am up at my cabin in Idyllwild, CA this week, and I only have
dialup, plus I am trying to clean up and pack up some things here..
And tomorrow I am going to cook some of my stuff for the cook-in.

Jill had been helping me at one time with the admin of this map:
maybe she would be willing once again? Yoohoo, Jill??????

You know, I just had another thought. You know how we had this thread
here about our kitchens and how it was a lot of fun to see what
everyone's kitchen looked like? What if we had a place on the site
where we could you post pics of our kitchens?

Just an idea that ran through my head just now...
