Got my free chicken!
Nancy Young > wrote:
> "OmManiPadmeOmelet" > wrote
> > "Nancy Young" > wrote:
> >> (laugh) No, but someone stuck a whole dead chipmunk in
> >> my pool, does that count?
> > My bets are on your cat. ;-)
> Oh, no, she stays inside. Only outside occasionally when she can
> be watched. No, once in a while my pool presents me with some
> dead rodent or bird. Or frog. Unfortunate.
Ah the joys of pool ownership. I have learned that dead
opossums sink, while most other mammals float. Mostly, I get
mice and moles, and an occasional young squirrel. The chipmunks
that live near my pool seem smart enough not to get themselves
drowned. Frogs, if I find them soon enough get transferred to
my goldfish pond, if they end up back in the pool again I
transport them to a stream a couple miles away, where they
are probably eaten by the local geese ;-).
Our one clutzy cat has managed to fall in, but promptly got
himself back out. The other, non clutzy cat has avoided
it except to look at us in disbelief when we are in swimming.
Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, Va.