Wine fermentation stuck in carboy?
In a house without A/C... The windows are allways open so the house temp
varies from 70 to 90 right now. usually on the high side of this range most
of the day. The carboy is not in direct sunlight and only sees the most
light the latter part of the day, ie west side of house. I could chill it in
my Sub Zero wine cooler, but the max temp in there is 65 degrees.
"Steve" > wrote in message
> Brian:
> WHat's the temperature where the wine is?
> Steve
> On Thu, 08 Jun 2006 23:40:35 GMT, "Bulletsnbrains"
> > wrote:
>>I started some grape juice wine on 5/1/06. The yeast was lalvin 1122
>>on 5/2/06. Starting S.G. was 1.125. Yes, were trying for a Mad Dog 20/20
>>style wine. We racked to a glass carboy on 5/8 and S.G. was 1.047. Now we
>>just racked tonight(6/8) and the S.G. is only 1.042! Is this stuck or
>>Should we wet some more 1122 and try to jump start this? or let it go
>>another month? This is only a gallon, but I would rather save than start