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C. James Strutz
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Default If You Eat Pork of any kind

"COTTP" > wrote in message
. ..
> In article >,
> says...
> > It's arguable that humans were designed as omnivores. Some of the

> > research indicates that the substance Neu5Gc in meat/dairy products may

> > linked to diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. The presence of

> > molelules triggers an auto-immune response that causes systemic

> > and is thought to contribute to various diseases in the long term.

> Whereas the length of the human gut is ideally suited to digest both
> meat and vegetable matter.
> Regarding heart disease and diabetes - many other things have had the
> finger pointed at them in the past. Remember eggs?

Sure, nothing's definitive. Medical science constantly advises the general
public based on current knowledge and understanding, which is always subject
to change. Still it's not a reason to disregard their advice because it
happens to disagree with your lifestyle.

> I believe that part of the auto-immune problems are due to hormones they
> inject into the animals, not the animals themselves.

Yeah, I didn't even get into the issues of feeding antibiotics, steroids,
growth hormones, etc. to livestock to bring them to market faster. NOt to
mention e-coli, salmonella, trichinosis, listeriosis and other bacterial
infections. More good reasons to avoid meat products.