Margaret Suran wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
> *Most of a interesting post snipped*
>> It was a very good art show for John and also a nice mini-vacation
>> for both of us! And good food, so there! Steve Squertz can kiss my
>> ass before he even comments. He's just jealous he doesn't have this
>> muich fun in his life.
>> Jill
> Thank you, Jill. I love your reports when you return from a trip with
> John and once again, you have not disappointed me with this post. I
> am glad that Persia and Peaches are well and forgave you for leaving
> them behind.
) I am glad that this was a good show for John. I am
> glad that you are back home in good health!
Thank you, Margaret

It was a nice trip and a good art show for John,