kilikini wrote:
> > wrote in message
>> kilikini wrote:
>>> I have some asparagus that really needs to get cooked TODAY. I'm
>>> thinking of baking it in a dish, drizzling it with some lemon
>>> garlic butter and then finishing it with a broil of breadcrumbs
>>> mixed with parmesan cheese.
>>> Overkill?
>> I've never made it exactly like that, but with those great
>> ingredients, how bad could it be? Asparagus is very forgiving when
>> you roast it -- you can use whatever temperature you're using for
>> other food you might be cooking. If I want it done fast I'll roast
>> at 400 or 425, but 350 gets the job done too, just takes a little
>> longer. Absolutely no need to steam first. I always line my baking
>> sheet with aluminum foil -- no clean up required!
>> Sandy
> Thanks, Sandy! I forgot to ask my hubby to pick up foil on his way
> home, because I always line my pans, too. Thus, I'm out of foil. :~)
> Okay, I think I'm going to start preparing my asparagus. Wish I knew
> what meat the DH is bringing home for dinner, but I warned him I was
> making the asparagus. Hopefully he'll be smart enough to bring
> something that "goes", you know what I mean? LOL
> kili
"Goes" with, yeah, that's the ticket

John and I had fun going to the
grocery store several times on our trip figuring out what "goes". We're
good like that.