seeking advice on best method for preparing "top round steak"
Meg wrote:
> I just sucumbed to the low price on two nice looking pieces of top
> round steak each cut about 1.5" thick, very lean, with a moderate
> amount of fat trimming the edges. In the past I often asked the
> butcher to grind this cut because I do enjoy it as a hamburger or in a
> meatloaf. The butcher was no longer on duty so I decided to take the
> steaks home and cut it into cubes to be used in the preparation of beef
> stew.
> I am new to this group and I thought it would be fun to get some new
> ideas about how to prepare this cut of beef. I find it to be too tough
> a cut to either pan fry or broil but I am interested in what others
> have prepared with success.
> Thanks
Celebrate its toughness by making beef jerky.
Best regards,