Bone In or Boneless? Best Value
> wrote in message
> Usually I think boneless and still may. Not sure. I slow cooked a whole
> turkey and I did a whole chicken. The 12Lb turkey after cooked, deboned
> weighed in at 6Lbs. So you pay for 12Lbs and
> get 6Lbs. Same with the chicken. 6Lbs becomes 3Lbs. Both my chicken and
> turkey were so tender they fell off the bones. I think some people
> won't believe these figures. I actually weighed them. If this is the
> case is boneless possibly the better deal? Just want to see if anyone
> else has figured this out. Thanks, I'll be looking in.
Depends on the price of the meat. Here in SoCal, chickens are usually on
sale every week somewhere. I save the bones & make stock.
Harriet, MBA 2006 (finally)