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Default Holiday-themed lunch for group

To avoid any last minute "there's no room" surprises, I sometimes do a
trial layout by placing the serving dishes on the table. I then make a
map of the table listing each dish, which serving dish will be used, and
where it goes. It sound obssessive, but my some of my serving pieces
are large and my table is rather small.


Dimitri wrote:
> "DP" > wrote in message
> om...
>>I'll be hosting a group of about 6 women, on a weekend in early
>>December, for a holiday-themed luncheon. For what it's worth, the
>>"bar" for this luncheon has been set fairly high by some of the other
>>members. I am a little nervous because I rarely prepare and serve
>>group meals.
>>I would appreciate suggestions for a menu and recipes, that:
>>--As much as possible, can be made ahead
>>--Has an elegant touch
>>--Has one vegetarian option (one of the members is vegetarian, but I
>>don't think the whole meal needs to be vegetarian simply because she
>>I would also be very grateful for suggestions on how to store the
>>made-ahead items, and serving tips. Especially serving tips! For
>>example, I have space to set out a buffet, but don't know the smartest
>>way to set one out.

> Setting an elegant buffet involves several easy steps:
> 1. Make sure each plate/platter is nicely arranged.
> 2. Make sure the food is in a logical pattern starting with the salads,
> cold items and moving on to the hot items..
> 3. You may want to separate the service, that is to say have 2 plates or
> 3 so people can go back for each course i.e. cold, hot, & dessert. If you
> are going top do that make sure the place to put the dirty dishes is
> obvious.
> 4. IMHO Linen napkins always add a "classy" touch.
> 5. Use risers where it makes sense. Platters at different levels make a
> more dramatic presentation. Remember we tend to "eat with our eyes" first.
> Make sure the centerpiece doesn't "overpower the food presentation.
> 6. Use an oversized table cloth or piece of cloth to cover the risers.
> 7. If possible chill or warm the plates as necessary.
> Cold lightly grilled vegetables with an olive oil vinaigrette (on the side)
> make a lovely presentation.
> Separate condiments for salads are always nice, separate croutons, crumbled
> blue cheese, tomato wedges etc.
> For the main course a warm pasta or baked pasta using artichoke hearts and
> sun dried tomatoes would be nice.
> Good Luck
> Dimitri