Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
> Mark Thorson > :
>>I used to love Jaunita's Menudo, but of course
>>I don't eat Specified Risk Materials anymore.
>>For a while, I satisfied myself with Juanita's
>>Pork Pozole and Chicken Pozole. Those are
>>pretty good soups -- after eating those
>>Mexican-style soups for some time, I really
>>found regular supermarket soups (Progresso,
>>Wolfgang Puck, etc.) rather dislikeable.
>>I got used to the simpler, cleaner taste of
>>the Mexican style soups.
>>But then I happened to visit a large Mexican
>>supermarket, and I bought some of Juanita's
>>soups I'd never seen before. The one I really
>>like is Caldo de Pollo. It's a chicken soup
>>with lots of vegetables.
> <snip for space>
> I've not noticed the brands you mentioned here in St. Louis. Where do you
> find the brands or are they in a specific ethnic section of regular
> supermarkets?
> Michael
Here you go!