Strawberry Pie
Just back from the local farm stand with a brimming flat of gorgeous
ripe strawberries. Boy, do they ever smell like summer. Promised to
bring a couple of pies to a pot luck luncheon tomorrow & these berries
are perfection - so good maybe nobody will even notice I'm using frozen
pie shells.
Have used an old Joy of Cooking recipe for glazed fruit pies for years,
but am going to try going the cranberry-raspberry concentrate route for
the glaze this go 'round. Proportions a
1/4 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1 cup liquid cran/raspberry concentrate, thawed, undiluted
3/4 cup water
Add cornstarch and sugar to cold liquids, bring to a boil & simmer for
couple of minutes. Remove from heat & gently fold in berries to coat.
I add the berries to the cooked crusts with a slotted spoon & seldom
use all the glaze. Pile 'em high. Around here, it's all about the
For a topping, a generous dollop of real whipped cream, just slightly
sweetened...because sometimes it's good to be bad!
Nancy T