Easter Dinner
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Donna Rose
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Easter Dinner
In article >,
> >Donna Rose
> >
> >I made a fresh ham, my very first attempt to cook one. I must say, it
> >was fabulous! I'll definitely buy that cut again.
> >
> >I rubbed it with a homemade rub (similar to Emeril's essence), poked lots
> >of holes in it and stuffed whole garlic cloves inside. I scored the skin
> >the same way you would on a smoked ham, and it got extra crispy yet most
> >of the underlying layer of fat dripped out during the cooking process. I
> >cooked it on the grill, over indirect heat, for about four hours (I kept
> >the cover closed and kept the temperature at around 350F).
> Oboy! Fresh ham is the best cut of meat there is, if I had to choose only one
> cut of meat to subsist on for my entire life it would be fresh ham.
I was amazed how delicious it was! Juicy, melt-in-your-mouth tender! It
was wonderful. Don't know why I never made one of these before - I've
eaten it many times - my ex FIL used to cook them all the time.
> Fresh ham is wonderful, especially grilled as you describe... next time have
> your ham boned and stuff it with fruit, nuts, wild 'shrooms and crumbs, some
> olives too. No cured ham can compare with a fresh ham... cured ham is nothing
> more than preserved meat... would be like going out for dinner and ordering the
> beef jerky platter instead of a perfectly grilled porterhouse. I mean
> sometimes a fistful of Slim Jims with a six pack fills the bill, but for a
> steady diet that's for those with their taste in their ass.
I actually downloaded a recipe for a stuffed fresh ham, but as this was
my first venture, I decided to just go simple this time around. I'll
definitely try a stuffed one next time.
A cured ham, to me, is nothing more than luncheon meat...lots and lots of
luncheon meat. Definitely has its place, but not my idea of a holiday
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