"Jim Davis" > schreef in bericht
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> Oh pshaw, on Sat 10 Jun 2006 04:36:27a, Steve Y meant to say...
>>>PPS We have an excess of tarragon at present,any suggestions ?
>> Make tarragon vinegar.
> Wow, I envy you. I've tried and tried to find a way to grow tarragon here
> in SW WA state on the coast but can't even find the starter. Does one
> have to start it from seeds? If so, or not, where can you get it? I find
> the Russian tarragon but that is worthless. Any suggestions appreciated.
Ok, I only half-know a litl bit about this...
There are several types of tarragon, Russian,. French, German. The ONLY kind
that has big flavor is the kind that can NOT be grwon from seeds, but is
multiplied by tearing existing plants into smaller plants. So you'd have to
find a source for such a plant. I am afraid I don't what kind that kind is
called, I am tending towards French.
Once established, it is supossed to grwo madly. So grow it in a container.
I made the mistake of byuing seeds this year

Am a beginner, but learning.