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Default how to grill sweet corn ?

On 13-Jun-2006, "Jack Schidt®" > wrote:

> "ape" > wrote in message
> > Hello everyone
> > I am new here and hope to get to know you all.
> >
> > My son inlaw just got a new charco grill and they wanted to know how to
> > cook sweet tender and juicy corn on the cob. they asked me and I don't
> > know so i thought that maybe someone here could help us.
> >
> >

> You'll get every variation here, but what works best for me is that I
> simply
> put the corn on the grill, no peeling back, no soaking, no prep at all. I
> roast until the outer husks are black and then peel back everything, to
> find
> a steamy ear of fresh corn that's delicious. It's not at all complicated
> and doesn't require those extra steps.
> Jack

Exactly what the Schidt said plus, I put up ear corn in season by nuking
unpeeled ears just enough to scare the shit out of the enzymes lurking just
beneath the husk. Then I wrap them in plastic coated freezer wrap
(Reynolds) and freeze. Many moons later, I take a couple out and let
them come up to room temperature without unwrapping. When ready
to cook, I treat them exactly the same as the Schidt does. Good stuff
Maynard. Nearly as good at fresh and a whole lot cheaper in the wintertime.

Brick(Found a motor..Trying to get it started.)