James McIninch wrote:
> How come there's no PETV -- People for the Ethical Treatment of Vegetables?
> A pig's got a fighting chance to run away, but a carrot's pretty much
> stuck. Sure, the noise a carrot makes when under stress is too low
> frequency for human ears to hear, but that doesn't make them any less
> alive.
> Vegetables are slaughtered by the ton each year. Cruelly uprooted, sometimes
> decapitated, often eaten and cooked alive... They are frequently raised in
> densely populated fields, and some are repeatedly doused with the feces of
> cattle. Can you imagine?
> You're a hypocrite if you pan the consumption of animals yet still support
> the slaughter of vegatation. It's omnivory or autotrophy, anything else is
> just a sad delusion.
> (Incidentally, that's tongue and cheek, all).
I've actually seen studies where they used ecg machines on plants with startling
results. They took two plants that were grown side by side; they "knew " each
other. Then, they sent a number of people into the room to "visit" the plants,
but the last one had instructions to destroy one of the plants. They then hooked
the ecg up to the remaining plant. As each of the people re-visited the
remaining plant, no matter what order they were sent in, the remaining plant
"knew" which one killed it's "friend" and it showed unmistakably on the ecg!
In another incident, a plant detected the researcher merely thinking of burning
a leaf with a lighter. This wasn't even intended to be a test; he was just
thinking of what tests he could do while it happened to be hooked up to the ecg.
In another study, they used an ecg on cups of yogurt. They fed one (sugar) while
they starved the other, and they monitored both on the ecg. When one was fed,
the other showed a reaction ("desire") to the first being fed. Granted, yogurt
is not a single plant, but a colony of culture.
So, there's more to plants and living cultures than people think!
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