Mel Tingpoint wrote:
> Whiskeyprayer wrote:
> > Nixon was horrid and evil, but Nixon never lied to get us into a war
> > and used the military for his own private gain.
> > While Watergate was vile, it can be argued that systamitcally winnowing
> > out Florida voters based on their race was far worse. Not to mention
> > that Nixon listened to the American people. Bush went against the will
> > of the American people and had his daddy's buddies get him yet another
> > job.
> > Nixon didn't systematically work as hard as Georgie to deny every
> > single American citizen their fundimental rights.
> >
> Very interesting article:
> Watergate's 'Deep Throat': William Pierce Broke Felt Story in 1974
And one does have to wonder how much of that was due to Nixon's support
of Project Paperclip. However, Project Paperclip, much like Vietnam,
was something that Nixon was handed, not something he created.