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[email protected] jesskidden@LYC0S.C0M is offline
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Posts: 104
Default how to grill sweet corn ?

ape wrote:
> My son inlaw just got a new charco grill and they wanted to know how to
> cook sweet tender and juicy corn on the cob.

An alternate method I've used in the distant past called for striping
back the husks, removing the silk, soaking a plain paper towel/napkin
in a mixture of milk, salt and pepper (and maybe melted butter?),
wrapping the towel around the corn, then pulling the husks back up and
cooking. In this (and some of the other techniques), the corn is closer
to "steamed in the husk" rather than grilled or roasted.

I recall liking it, but it fell off my list (probably because of the
time involved and the fact that I like corn steamed- bought and picked
on the same day it's cooked less than a mile from home).