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Default Where to purchase Thai Sen Yai (wide rice) noodles

Thanks for the replies everyone, but I'm actually trying to figure out
how to get FRESH sen yai noodles (not the dried packaged stuff... I've
already seen that stuff in the market). I should have been more
specific to being with, sorry. I asked the Thai restaruant that I go
to where they get it, and they order it from Thailand, so I'm just
wondering if there's somone place online where I can get it easily. Or
even better if there's someone out there who's familiar with the
Portland Metro area that knows of somewhere that makes it (i.e. Maybe
there's somewhere in Chinatown that sells something similar, like Chow
fun noodles?).

Clay Irving wrote:
> On 2006-06-10, > wrote:
> > I'm just wondering if anyone knows where I can buy (I live in the
> > Portland Metro area of Oregon) or order (online, etc.) Sen Yai noodles
> > (wide rice noodles).

> Online:
> --
> Clay Irving >
> Surely where there's smoke there's fire? No, where there's so much smoke
> there's smoke.
> - John A. Wheeler