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Cindy Fuller Cindy Fuller is offline
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Posts: 599
Default Where to purchase Thai Sen Yai (wide rice) noodles

In article . com>,

> Thanks for the replies everyone, but I'm actually trying to figure out
> how to get FRESH sen yai noodles (not the dried packaged stuff... I've
> already seen that stuff in the market). I should have been more
> specific to being with, sorry. I asked the Thai restaruant that I go
> to where they get it, and they order it from Thailand, so I'm just
> wondering if there's somone place online where I can get it easily. Or
> even better if there's someone out there who's familiar with the
> Portland Metro area that knows of somewhere that makes it (i.e. Maybe
> there's somewhere in Chinatown that sells something similar, like Chow
> fun noodles?).

I repeat, try the Uwajimaya store in Beaverton. I was at the Seattle
store today and they had a plethora of fresh rice noodles in the
refrigerated case.


C.J. Fuller

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