Foods for a bitchy mood...
OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article .com>,
> "Blair P. Houghton" > wrote:
>> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
>>> Bad mood, not good, but I will start the grill anyway.
>>> I have chicken marinating.
>> Add something spicy. A nice lip-burn improves your day every time.
>>> No chocolate in the house, any suggestions? :-P
>> If you were a true chocoholic, you'd go to the store.
>> --Blair
> Can't. Trucks in the shop for the weekend getting the exhaust system
> fixed. :-P Won't pass inspection until I shell out $700.00. <sigh>
> Hate to use the visa card but there's no choice here. 'sides I'm tired
> of the truck being audible a mile away!
> So, no transportation. <grumble>
It might still be under warranty. The car manufacturers don't like to
talk about it, but the catalytic converters and other emissions
equipment are guaranteed for something like 7 or 8 years.
Best regards,