Mike Petro wrote:
> First you STEAL information from all over the web, and now you want to
> *SELL* it.
> Did all of the websites that you quoted word for word, and even copied
> their pictures, give you permission to sell their information? I think
> not....
> If you TRULY did all of this just for the convenience of Tea Lovers,
> then you would simply GIVE the website away?
> I sure hope that *Nobody* gives this plagiarizing thief a single
> yuan.....
> --
> Mike Petro
> http://www.pu-erh.net
My favorite part of this is the ******* _ADMITS_ to stealing the info
on the website in the same sentence that he states he is selling it.
WTF!?! Seriously, that is just insanity and if I could I'd love to
introduce my size 14 shoe sideways to the original posters colon.
The absolute worst. Oh, and BTW, I did a complete site copy of Google
and Microsoft... I'm selling them real cheap.
How could someone have the nerve to even post something like that? Oh,
and one last thing.. I've signed up that email address to every spam
list known to man as well as placed the website on as many blackholes
as possible. Have a great day.
- Dominic