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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default Water, of course!

OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> We've saved glass 4 liter wine bottles over the years and purchase all
> our water from the Wal-mart vending machine at $.25 per gallon. :-)
> It's quite pure and quite good.
> No need to pay a premium price... Most folks use recycled 1 gallon milk
> bottles, but we prefer to have it in glass. Prevents picking up that
> "plastic" taste. ;-)

Don't forget to periodically disinfect those containers that you re-use
over and over for water. Bacteria grows in those things lickety-split.
I finally recycled my big, 6-gallon container to Goodwill because the
water was making me sick all the time. Then I found out you have to
disinfect them every two weeks or every month. Now I just buy cheap
spring water in bottles, and if I don't have any, I drink tap water.
Big whoop.
