Water, of course!
Phred wrote:
> In article >, Dave Smith > wrote:
> >Nancy2 wrote:
> >
> >> Don't forget to periodically disinfect those containers that you re-use
> >> over and over for water. Bacteria grows in those things lickety-split.
> If bugs are growing in that "pure" water in bottles that people are
> paying fortunes for these days, then it's a fair indication the "pure"
> water is full of crap! Where else would the N and P and other
> nutrients come from? ;-)
I never really cared if water was pure. We can benefit from some minerals. There are lots of
little critters that our bodies adapt to. I always figured that the more harmless critters
that we had in our water the more prepared our bodies are to deal with newcomers. People who
live in a sterile environment tend to have little resistance to infection.