Which Oolong ??
Draconus wrote:
> Have been drinking (what I think) is a decent Wuyi Mountain oolong from
> ChinaTushu Tea Co (sorry cant be more specific than that) for some time now,
> alas is coming to an end. Nice light caramel colour almost sweet/'metallic'
> after taste.
> Looking for a replacement..
> What do you think of the following - must confess not familiar with these so
> would appreciate comments.
> 1) Qingxin Oolong King
> 2) 919 Tie guan ying
> 3) Suan wang
I'm not sure what suan wang is, but tieguanyin and qingxin are fairly
similar to each other and both quite different from Wuyi oolongs.
There are lots of good Wuyi teas available from internet vendors - I
would look through old posts for those that get positive mentions here.
Also, at the risk of getting flamed by people who know much more about
this than I do, I would consider trying a fenghuang dancong oolong, as
it's closer in style to Wuyi than is the tieguanyin. That said, TGY is
great (my personal favorite) and it's certainly worth trying too.