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John Doe[_3_] John Doe[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 77
Default "Pie and chips"???!! Those *** Brits!!!

A troll who apparently has nothing better to do than sit on his fat
ass all day pretending to be a tough guy on the Internet.

Path:! com!!!newscon!!border1.nntp.dca.g!!!!sn-xt-sjc-04!sn-xt-sjc-07!sn-post-sjc-01!!! !not-for-mail
From: geoffm (Geoff Miller)
Newsgroups:,soc.culture.british,,m isc.consumers,
Subject: "Pie and chips"???!! Those *** Brits!!!
Followup-To:,soc.culture.british,,m isc.consumers,
Date: 20 Jun 2006 06:19:42 -0700
Organization: The Patriarchy
Message-ID: <e78sle$s8q>
Sender: geoffm
References: <7dmdnRucV81b3eXZRVn-vQ> <MPG.1ee79e537b2c9cad98977c> <e5mv4k$17e> <Xns97E7B57D541F50123456789>
Reply-To: geoffm
X-Complaints-To: abuse
Lines: 52

John Doe <jdoe usenetlove.invalid> writes:

: What specifically have Rush and O'Reilly said that you take issue
: with, and why? Let's have some details and a bit of elucidation.

> Sitting on their fat asses in an air-conditioned room far away from
> the action in Iraq saying "we don't cut and run" as if that makes
> them look like tough guys.

Uh, what does their sitting in an air-conditioned room, or their
weight (O'Reilly is actually pretty slender) have to do with the
merit of their positions Iraq? I've long been struck by how
often liberals attack Limbaugh for being overweight instead of
rebutting what he says. That's pretty damned childish, I have to
say. If a conservative attacked a liberal pundit for a physical
shortcoming, he'd be derided as a bigot in a metric heartbeat.

But then, these are the same people so much of whose political
rhetoric boils down to "Yer stupid," so maybe I shouldn't be so

And as far as their "looking like tough guys" is concerned, what
makes you so certain that has anything to do with their position?
You seem to be a bit conflicted where masculinity is concerned.
Not surprising, really, since liberalism is based on feminine
emotionalism rather than on masculine rationality.

: Or are you just doing the standard, brainless liberal _ad hominem_
: thing?

> I could have guessed you like that expression, you're just a troll
> talking tough on the Internet.

Liberals often use accusations of trolling as a pretext to avoid
substantive debate. The assumption is that no one would actually
hold certain positions sincerely. Which is an interesting idea,
seeing as how liberals _know_ that people who hold those ideas
are Out There -- so why wouldn't they encounter them on Usenet
now and again?


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