Ten Ren question
Sorry to inundate you all with my cluelessness on NY and it's
Chinatown, but I have one last question. I have heard mention of Ten
Ren on this NG a number of times and just realized that it is located
right where I will be in NYC at the end of this week... I leave
What are my best purchases to make here? What would be your top *must
purchase* teas? (can be for Ten Ren or any other tea shop in NYC) I do
want to try some bubble tea as well, since I've been kicking myself for
passing it up at a restaraunt in Penn State last summer.
I'm just looking for some last minute ideas or teas that I may not have
thought of, and any advice about Ten Ren is helpful too. I know I've
searched back and there are many mentions of it positive and negative.
So far, I have Mott Street as my main destination with Canal and
Mullberry streets as well. Peking Duck House, Ten Ren, a few standard
Chinatown shops and little Italy. I'm not sure about the Tea Gallery,
because it seems to be very highly acclaimed but a bit counter to my
personal sensibilities and outlook on tea. Also a trip to the Empire
State building and the Statue of Liberty are in the cards... which
leaves us a day and a half to just explore. Probably Central Park,
Times Square, etc. I've thought about hitting TeaNY only because it is
owned by Moby and personal interests not so much the tea/vegan stuff.
- Dominic