Route 66 food? (was Reply from Cisco!)
On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 12:51:11 -0000, Dog3
<dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote:
> > You have to get your kicks somewhere - so if it's not on
> > Route 66, then it will be on the information highway.
> >
> > <I think you're old enough to understand that one>
> >
> > LOL >W<
> <G> Yes, I'm certainly old enough. Hey, speaking or route 66; Have you
> ever done that route 66 run?
No, I haven't... Isn't most of the original Route 66 buried
under freeways and other stuff now?
I was on parts of it as a kid when we drove from Michigan to
the "4 Corners" area in the Southwest for a vacation.
Haven't done it since.
But, when my mother divorced and drove out to California
with my infant brother, she followed most if not all of
Route 66. I remember that she wrote us a postcard from Boot
Hill, while she was giving Baby Brother (now in his 30's) a
bottle. We girls (teenagers at the time), flew to
California later - during our semester break. I became a
life long Californian, sister lives in Wisconsin,
mother/brother live in (mid-coastal) Oregon.
> There is an antique car club that does it
> annualy (sp). I don't know much about it. Good food along the way?
I have a model T, but it would need a "non" model T engine
and some good shock absorbers to lure me into doing that.
Practice safe eating - always use condiments