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ANIM8Rfsk ANIM8Rfsk is offline
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Posts: 332
Default "Pie and chips"???!! Those *** Brits!!!

in article ASbmg.14016$XJ4.3418@trndny02, Janet Puistonen at
wrote on 6/21/06 6:31 AM:

> Geoff Miller wrote:
> I've long been struck by how
>> often liberals attack Limbaugh for being overweight instead of
>> rebutting what he says. That's pretty damned childish, I have to
>> say. If a conservative attacked a liberal pundit for a physical
>> shortcoming, he'd be derided as a bigot in a metric heartbeat.

> You've got to be kidding. Don't you remember the constant harping on Bill
> Clinton's weight by your right wing friends?

I remember his phony jogging, staged for the cameras. A friend of mine got
to participate in that when she was invited to the White House. She was
****ed, 'cause she DOES run pretty much every morning, and with porky Bill
they just ran past the press and back inside; all a photo op. She didn't
even get to break a sweat.