how to grill sweet corn ?
On 21-Jun-2006, "SmokinDave" > wrote:
> ape wrote:
> > Hello everyone
> > I am new here and hope to get to know you all.
> >
> > My son inlaw just got a new charco grill and they wanted to know how to
> > cook sweet tender and juicy corn on the cob. they asked me and I don't
> > know so i thought that maybe someone here could help us.
> >
> >
> > thanks you very much
> > Be Blessed
> > April B.
> April,
> After you silk the ears, and before you pull the shucks (that's the
> south in me talking)back up, wrap a slice of bacon around that bad boy
> making it look like the old fashioned barber pole. Put it on the grill
> until the corn is finished, and look like a fool eating that rascal!
> S-S-S-S-O-O-O-O-U-U-U-U-I-I-I-I-E-E-E-E-E!!!
> SmokingDave
> "If it smells like smoke, it ain't no joke"
Too each, his own. Corn should be grilled in it's husk over high heat until
the husks are browned. Then it should be shucked and peeled back
including the silk which is very easy at that point. At that point, it
should be dipped in a 3 # coffe can of simmering water topped with 1#
of butter. Shake your favorite spice on and eat. Don't badmouth it until
you have tried it.