How to make small cake rollups.
Norman Leonski wrote:
> Nancy2 wrote:
> > Norman Leonski wrote:
> > > Everyone has seen those yummy little cakes that have the spiraling
> > > jelly in them. How would those be made? Can they be made at home?
> > >
> > > I'm thinking of blueberry filling....
> >
> > Just find a recipe for jelly roll .... you can make them any size you
> > like - easy to make a jelly-roll pan size (wow, there's that name
> > again!) and cut them into 4-6 jellyrolls for further slicing.
> >
> > N.
> So you tell me they are called "Jelly-Rolls" and you offer no links to
> recipes, no recipes of your own.
Well, hmmm, it sounded like you didn't know what to search for. I'm
not a search engine; my favorite recipes come from vintage Better Homes
& Gardens books - I see no need to drag out my book and type in a
recipe when you can Google for one yourself. I don't understand the
almost universal need for people to say, "I don't want one from the
web; I want one YOU recommend." Actually, you can go to many websites
(Food Network, Epicurious, MarthaStewart, etc.) and find recipes that
will always give you a great result. I've never had a bad experience
using a recipe from the web. I gave you the term to search for --
what they are called. The "jelly roll pan" comment was made because I
didn't think about the common name we give those 10" x 15" pans until
right then.
The technique for JRs is the only tricky thing - the cake is a type of
sponge cake - you have to make sure it will come out of the pan easily
(in one piece) immediately when you take it out of the oven - usually
you're instructed to lay it on a cloth dishtowel sprinkled lightly with
powdered sugar, and then roll it up, starting at a long side, along
with the towel - then it cools, then you unroll it, remove the towel,
spread your fruit (or whatever) filling on it, roll it back up, chill
it and then slice it and serve it.
Too bad you're all hung up on someone else's perceived failing instead
of using your time productively to find a recipe. Good luck with that
attitude - I, myself, have never found it very effective.