How to make small cake rollups.
On 22 Jun 2006 06:35:35 -0700, Norman Leonski wrote:
> Nancy2 wrote:
> > Norman Leonski wrote:
> > > Everyone has seen those yummy little cakes that have the spiraling
> > > jelly in them. How would those be made? Can they be made at home?
> > >
> > > I'm thinking of blueberry filling....
> >
> > Just find a recipe for jelly roll .... you can make them any size you
> > like - easy to make a jelly-roll pan size (wow, there's that name
> > again!) and cut them into 4-6 jellyrolls for further slicing.
> >
> > N.
> So you tell me they are called "Jelly-Rolls" and you offer no links to
> recipes, no recipes of your own.
> Just a wise-crack "(wow, there's that name again!)".
> Thanks for almost nothing. If you have nothing to say but a wise-crack,
> why not just keep quiet? Or do you just like to see your name in print?
That wasn't a wise crack in any way, shape or form. It was useful
information, if you knew what to do with it. You'd make more headway
here if you googled for a recipe and asked for further instructions
about how to make mini-jellyrolls instead of blubbering about the lack
of a recipe.
I want to know if the cake is cut horizontally before rolling because
it seems like a mini would be too thick w/o doing that first.
Ham and eggs.
A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.