"Pie and chips"???!! Those *** Brits!!!
"ameijers" > wrote in message ...
> "Jack F. Twist" > wrote in message
> ink.net...
> > "Geoff Miller" > wrote in message
> ...
> > >
> > >
> > > John Doe > writes:
> > >
> > > : What specifically have Rush and O'Reilly said that you take issue
> > > : with, and why? Let's have some details and a bit of elucidation.
> > >
> > > > Sitting on their fat asses in an air-conditioned room far away from
> > > > the action in Iraq saying "we don't cut and run" as if that makes
> > > > them look like tough guys.
> > >
> > > Uh, what does their sitting in an air-conditioned room, or their
> > > weight (O'Reilly is actually pretty slender) have to do with the
> > > merit of their positions Iraq?
> >
> > That first part has everything to do with it. If somehow it was
> > constitutional to pass a law which requires members of our
> > Executive and Legislative branches of government to send
> > their own kids to war before anyone else's, it would put an
> > end to military adventurism immediately, and forever. Mr.
> > Bush and Congress are very adept at sending other people's
> > kids to fight and die, but they wouldn't be so quick on the
> > trigger if their own kids' lives were at stake.
> >
> Nobody has the right to send ANYBODY's kids to war. If fat old men wanna
> prove how tough they are, let them go fight the war their own damn selves.
> And replying to another poster who implied that not obediently putting on a
> uniform meant you did not serve your country- they also serve who shine a
> light on the stupid decisions the Powers That Be keep making. Defending the
> country is one thing- allowing oneself to be drafted, or even volunteering,
> to go in harm's way, for some rah-rah ego exercise, is not serving your
> country- it is being a fool. Just because they are in charge does not make
> them right, or deserving of obedience. If a war is justified, there will be
> enough volunteers. If it isn't, there won't, as they are discovering now,
> and covering up with a back-door draft of repeated long-term deployments of
> people who thought 2 weeks a year and every other weekend would be it,
> unless there was a hurricane or something.
> If somebody makes a well-informed decision to go off and fight for some
> foreign cause they find noble, for whatever country or quasi-country
> mutinational they beleive in, well, more power to them. I firmly believe
> that nobody below, say, 25 or so, should be ALLOWED to serve in a hot zone
> in the military- the are still young, horny, and immortal. They don't have
> the life experience to make an informed decision to volunteer.
> aem sends....
Stunningly accurate post. The last noble use of our armed forces
was during WWII. Everything since has been military adventurism
and Executive Branch penis waving.
Did you know the average age of the 58,000+ Americans who
were slaughtered in Vietnam? 19. Freaking NINETEEN.
You can make a case for natural selection hard at work here, but
it's still tragic beyond words. Fake patriotism or not, there's a
very special place in hell reserved for those who kill against their
own consciences.