How do I order Tamales from a Mexican grocer?
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How do I order Tamales from a Mexican grocer?
Ray S. & Nayda Katzaman wrote:
> > There is this little Mexican grocery store here in Sacramento, that
> > makes the most wonderful tamales.
> >
> > I've gone in there a few times to buy a dozen or so at a time. It is
> > always a crap shoot, as to whether I will exit the market with the much
> > desired tamales. The reason. . .I don't speak Spanish, and half the
> > time the people in the store don't speak English.
> >
> > Can someone tell me how to ask for "1 dozen beef tamales" in Spanish?
> > I think what I need is to have someone just type it out here, and I
> > could print it off, and take it into the market, like a note from Mom
> > or something.
> >
> > Myrl Jeffcoat
> >
> Let the flames begin.
> Take a note that says "Aprenda ingles, estas en los estados unidos ahora"
> loosely translated "Learn English you are in the United States now".
> Ray
> Austin, TX
> ===
Of course in Texas there is always the chance that their family has
lived there a lot longer than your family and may have fought beside
Davy Huston or whatever his name was. I always find it strange that so
many Americans seem to assume that Spanish speakers must be recent
John Kane, Kingston ON Canada
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