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Melba's Jammin'
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Default Smoked Ham Hocks

In article >, Margaret Suran
> wrote:

> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > In article >, "MOM PEAGRAM"
> > > wrote:

> > What did you do with it, Helen? How did you prepare it? My only use
> > for hamhock is as the basis for sour soup.

> You can use ham hocks for all soups and dishes in which you use a ham
> bone. Ham hocks taste a little more smoky and salty.

Sure, but the only thing I ever use a hambone for is navy bean soup for
myself and a former neighbor. Mom used to use hocks with kraut. We
weren't much of a dried beans family but for bean soup.
> Next time you make cabbage or sauerkraut, cook it with a ham hock.
> When done, cut the meat off, dice it and mix it into the cabbage. Add
> some boiled Fleckern, a sort of 1/3 square inch pasta and you have a
> nice main dish, For the sauerkraut, I only use the cut off meat. If
> there is a lot of meat, use it as you would any other kind of ham, but
> you will only have smallish pieces, no large slices.
> Make sure that a dog is near by, to be given the rest of the hock.

He-e-e-ey, *I* get to suck the juice from the hambone! And I love the
gristle, too.
-Barb, <> updated 3-29-04.