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Default Sourdough Ciabatta

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On 19 Jun 2006 00:30:33 -0700, "Glenn" > wrote:

>In my experience, an uneven, open texture of the crumb is a combination
>of ;
>- Oven spring. I don't believe you can get the kind of texture you want
>proofing (rising) your ciabatas for a long time. Great Oven spring can
>be optimized by;
>* Well developed gluten networks.
>* A well proofed dough with lots of bubbles.
>* Hot Hot Hot surface! Go all the way up to max temperature on your
>oven when heating the stone.
>* Keeping the humidity during the first 10 minutes of baking is
>crucial to make sure the crust doesn't "set" too early as this will
>inhibid the oven spring.
>* How you cut your loaf. Don't inflate it, the goal of slashing is
>making room for rise, Be carefull. If you do it violently, it will
>- Weak flour. Flour with lots of gluten has a tendency to produce an
>even texture. At last that's my experience from adding gluten powder to
>my recipes.

Then a general AP Flour without the Gluten powder is recommended?

>- Wet dough (As mentioned in other posts). I have never had the need to
>go beyond 68% hydration to get the results I want. Ciabata's are wet

Hydration is Water to Flour ratio?

>though. I think most recipes are > 70%. Remember to compensaste for
>the vaporisation of water from your sponge. (I usually make a sponge
>overnight, using 100g water/100g flour/20g home made refrigerated
>culture. In the morning, this mix only weighs about 180g due to
>vaporisation of the water. Remember to add the 20g to the liquid!
>Here's some pictures showing my implementation of Dan Lepard's white
>leaven bread ;
>Nice and open texture!
>Ken Haycook wrote:
>> I have figured out how to get the crusty dry crust for ciabatta, but how do
>> you get the large bubbles inside the bread?
>> Ken
