Smoked turkey preparation?
In article >,
Ken Knecht > wrote:
> OmManiPadmeOmelet > wrote in
> :
> > In article >,
> > Ken Knecht > wrote:
> >
> >> I have a 12# frozen smoked turkey. The package says "fully cooked".
> >> As I live alone, I will cut it up and freeze most of it.
> >>
> >> Question: Should I prepare it as described on the package - thaw for
> >> two days, heating at 350 for two hours? Then eat what I want, put
> >> aside some for leftovers, and freeze the rest, or just thaw, cut up,
> >> heat up what I want to eat and for leftovers and freeze the rest? I
> >> suppose I have to do the two hour heating to kill the bacteria.
> >> Opinions?
> >>
> >> TIA
> >
> > If you are going to cut it up and not serve it as a big family meal,
> > just thaw out what you want to eat and nuke it until warm enough for
> > you. :-)
> >
> > We've taken smoked turkeys on camping trips and cut them up for
> > sandwiches and snacking as is.
> >
> > They are, as you say, "fully cooked".
> >
> > Treat it like you would cooked ham.
> >
> > It's delish'!
> The bird in question is about half-thawed now so the info's not useful
> for this turkey, but for the future, how do I cut pieces (leg, half
> breast, whatever) off of a frozen wrapped turkey? If I can manage it, I
> might be eating smoked turkey more often. I only rarely see whole birds,
> and very rarely smoked turkey parts, in my grocery stores.
Smoked turkey actually keeps in the 'frige about as long as ham does.
If you thaw it just enough to be able to cut it up, (still a bit
crystally), re-freezing it should cause minimal damage to the texture.
My family, when there were 4 of us, could easily wipe out an entire
smoked turkey in about 4 days. ;-d Now that there are two of us, I'd
probably try to wheedle the meat cutters into sawing it in half or
quarters for me at the store while it was still frozen. <G>
The cutters at HEB slice up whole hams for me for free all the time.
I did have the rear half of a frozen emu cut into slices for me, frozen
solid, at a local butchers for IRRC about 18 bucks. Don't remember what
price per lb. they charged me but it was at least 25 lbs. plus of meat.
They even wrapped the slices in butcher paper and _kept_ it frozen
solid! :-)
Smoked wings and legs are usually available in the meat section if you
don't want to mess with a whole bird, but the whole ones are usually
cheaper I think? It's been awhile and they are nearly always cheaper
around the holidays.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch"
-- Jack Nicholson