Carbonara woes
Ok, I cooked the noodles, fried the pancetta, then drained the noodles
and quickly mixed the pancetta in, then added the egg/cheese (peccorino
romano) to the noodles, but it did not take. It remained somewhat
liquid. I have made carbonara before and successfully, but it was only
in single portions for myself. This time I was trying to make enough
for three.
I am thinking a number of things might be wrong he
1. Not enough cheese (but putting more just makes the dish saltier)
2. The noodles were cooler than they should be
3. Making more than one portion at a time is not a good idea
Perhaps microwaving noodles and egg mixture together on low setting for
30 seconds or so might fix it, but I'm only guessing. Does anyone have
any idea how to fix this?
"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why
the poor have no food, they call me a communist."
Dom Helder Camara