Carbonara woes
On Sun, 25 Jun 2006 07:40:57 -0500, Michel Boucher wrote:
> Ok, I cooked the noodles, fried the pancetta, then drained the noodles
> and quickly mixed the pancetta in, then added the egg/cheese (peccorino
> romano) to the noodles, but it did not take. It remained somewhat
> liquid. I have made carbonara before and successfully, but it was only
> in single portions for myself. This time I was trying to make enough
> for three.
> I am thinking a number of things might be wrong he
> 1. Not enough cheese (but putting more just makes the dish saltier)
I have no idea. I just add cheese until it looks right. Salt usually
shouldn't be a factor unless you're so far off salt that you can taste
it everywhere, even in very small amounts.
> 2. The noodles were cooler than they should be
They should be HOT. If that's even a glimmer of a factor, it's a big
one and don't over cook those noodles.
> 3. Making more than one portion at a time is not a good idea
It's entirely possible to make decent carbonara for more than one
person. I've made it for six.
> Perhaps microwaving noodles and egg mixture together on low setting for
> 30 seconds or so might fix it, but I'm only guessing.
No, that's a good way to get scrambled eggs and noodles the fast way.
You could put it back in the hot pot and give it a stir... just until
the noodles absorb the excess liquid.
> Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
Try using one less egg next time. I short eggs by one, because I like
my carbonara drier. So, the next time you make carbonara for three -
use two ("large") eggs instead.
Ham and eggs.
A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.