Frito-Lay Jalapeno Bean Dip
Mr Libido Incognito wrote:
> Puester wrote on 25 Jun 2006 in
>> Chuck Kopsho wrote:
>>> Does Frito-Lay still make jalapeno bean dip? I haven't had any in
>>> years.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Chuck Kopsho
>>> Oceanside, California
>> I have no idea, but I DO know you can make a really yummy dip starting
>> with a can of your favorite refried beans and adding any or all:
>> sour cream
>> salsa
>> chopped jalapenos
>> minced onion
>> pureed garlic
>> mashed avocado
>> hot sauce
>> or any other ingrdient your heart desires.
>> gloria p
> forgot the shredded jack cheese.
Oooh, yes, exactly!
gloria p