Thread: Barbeque
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Peter A Peter A is offline
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Default Barbeque

In article >,
LID says...
> I'm told that U-Haul outlets carry screw-on gauges for propane tanks.
> I've not gone and got one yet, but I definitely plan to.

Those propane pressure gauges are a waste of money. The reason is that
in your tank the propane is a liquid. As you draw off propane the liquid
propane turns to gas. But the pressure in the tank will be essentially
constant until it is emptied. It will vary with temperature but it tells
you nothing about how much gas you have left.

Pressure gauges work with compressed gasses such as air.

I have heard people say that while the tank is in use you can feel the
side and get an idea where the level is by a change in temperature.

The best bet is to weigh the tank after filling and then as you use it.
If it's a 20 lb tank you'll know that when it reaches 17-18 lb below the
original weight that it is near empty.

Peter Aitken
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